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Software Release Notes 4.0.0

LocaPhone Version 4.0.0 Major-Release

Veröffentlicht: Dezember 2013

  • Neues Software-Release mit weitreichenden Verbesserungen und Überarbeitungen

  • Neue technologische Basis (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Asterisk 1.8, LUA-Dialplan)

  • Performance-Optimierung durch neuen LUA-Dialplan (42x schneller als Release 3.2)

  • LocaPhone Cluster-Betrieb mit Corosync/Pacemaker

  • TK-Appliance LocaPhone M800 VoIP TK-System mit BRI/FXS/FXO/PoE-Ports

  • Gigaset IP PRO: DE900, DE700, DE410, DE310

  • Gigaset IP PRO DECT: N510 IP, C610 IP

  • Web-Interface - Live-Monitore (Webbrowser-basierend) verbessert (Anzeige Nachbearbeitungszeit, Penalty Agent)

  • Rufumleitungen regelbasiert (Zeit/Datum/Wochentag, Status User/Gerät, Anrufer-Nummer, Anruf intern/extern) mit Nutzungsprofilen

  • Agenten: Verbesserung Login/Logout, Scriptsteuerung

  • Überarbeitete Autoprovisionierung

  • Endgeräte-Unterstützung verbessert (Snom, Aastra, Gigaset)

Mit LocaPhone VoIP TK-System Release 4 sind Rufumleitungsfunktionen aufgrund des verbesserten neuen call-routings geändert. Ein Teil der Rufumleitungsfunktionen aus Release 3 stehen nicht mehr in vorheriger Weise zur Verfügung. Vor einem Softwareupdate ist zu prüfen, ob es aufgrund dieser Änderungen zu Einschränkungen kommen kann.

Neue Funktionen

  • [dialplan] Added new function to login and logout agents. This function can be used by php-scripts. This function also fixes bug#617 (assigning multiple agents to a single user). Integrated new function into agent login/logout-script for Snom- and Aastra-phones.

  • [livemon] Added info that the agent is in wrapup time.

  • [livemon] Added showing the agents penalty

  • [prov/snom] Added new feature for snom phones: Show date/time stamp   for all dial-log entries instead of only time stamp for present-day calls and date stamp for earlier calls.

  • [prov/gigaset] Gigaset integration into LocaPhone WebGUI (provisioning options, key config etc.)

  • [prov/panasonic] added panasonic dect provisioning

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [core] transition from product Gemeinschaft to LocaPhone (renamed files and directories)

  • [core] added function to read version from packaging version file [web-ui] added configurable product name [web-ui] replaced product icon, favicon and default CSS

  • [core] directory name substitution in /etc/locaphone/locaphone.php

  • [core] Changed default SIP callerid and realm

  • [core] Do not load Radius CDR module to get rid of "rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute" syslog message

  • [core] setter function for user language

  • [core] Changed default value for directmedia to no.

  • [web-ui] Added the possibility to select the source of the target extension (invite or to-header) for each sip gateway.

  • [web-ui] Make preferred language selectable for the user

  • [dialplan] Calls to huntgroups with external targets can now fail (busy/no answer/canceled) without causing a database error.

  • [dialplan] Move diallog-sync to function, trigger also for huntgroup and queue ext types

  • [dialplan] Group hints: Group hint generator, include in extensions.lua

  • [dialplan] removed superfluous dialplan scripts

  • [dialplan] added call completion files, re-enabled clearForwarders (addition to previous commit)

  • [dialplan] added missing callcompletion core file

  • [dialplan] changed error log line to debug in callcompletion

  • [dialplan] changed exttype app.hangup to Channel:hangup

  • [dialplan] Refactored complete AEL dialplan and associated (AGI) scripts to LUA, refactored affected GUI parts, refactored call forward system

  • [fax] Updated documentation for hylafax server > version 6 and t38modem.

  • [scripting] Update/Fix includes from /opt/gemeinschaft to /opt/locaphone, use GS_DIR

  • [scripting] Added script to copy files of installed LocaPhone software and configuration files to DRBD volume.

  • [prov/snom] Fix: Added provisioning option for snom phones so the phone will prefer the provisioning url from the dhcp server. Logging in/out a user on a phone will work more certain if the phone can not reach the snom redirection service.

  • [prov/snom] removed obsolete snom firmware download scripts [locaphone/core] removed outdated extstated

  • [prov/snom] Provision telephone-event for FW >= 8.7, fixes non-working DTMF input

  • [prov/gigaset] LUA-dialplan additions, Asterisk configuration changes

  • [prov/gigaset] Generic and Gigaset-specific additions to LocaPhone scripts

  • [prov/gigaset] Gigaset-specific LocaPhone configuration options and vars

  • [prov/gigaset] Apache configuration for Gigaset PBX-TE XML interface

  • [prov/gigaset] Scripts and local configuration to provide VFS for base configuration and PBX-TE XML interface

  • [prov/gigaset] Support/recognise another MAC vendor ID range

  • [prov/gigaset] Enforce entry amount limit on unfiltered CallList read request (should fix crashing on DE310/410 with too huge unread missed calls history)

  • [prov/gigaset] CallLists: Use entrynum of original result instead of afterwards-guessed id for XML entry ids in call lists, operate on full diallog list instead of filtered when deleting entries (fixes single-entry-delete always deleting in missed list)

  • [prov/gigaset] Track entry index upon diallog retrieval

  • [prov/kirk] provisioning helper for KIRK-DECT

  • [prov/kirk] database structure changes for KIRK-DECT provisioning

  • [prov/kirk] configuration file changes for KIRK-DECT provisioning

Behobene Fehler

  • [core] fixed path in /etc/locaphone/asterisk/README.txt

  • [core] rotate logfiles in /var/log/locaphone instead of legacy directory

  • [core] fixed wrong alter table, mantis bug 623

  • [core] Fix: When deleting users and queues all references in the database are removed correctly. This also fixes bug#569.

  • [core] Fixed paths in crontabs

  • [core] added product logo in configuration

  • [core] added penlight MIT-License file

  • [core] added git ignore files

  • [core] added replace function in gsdb

  • [core] fixed problem with empty filename on vmqueue

  • [core] added comment block for complex timer work

  • [core] fixed problem with calltimers and ivr

  • [core] removed comment from permissions.lua

  • [dialplan] fix for mantis-bug #615 (call forking and diallog)

  • [dialplan] calldrop fix for mantis-bug #614

  • [dialplan] fix for parallelcall mantis-bug #616

  • [dialplan] fix for situation where gwgroup is empty

  • [dialplan] fix: the phone system can now determine the proper source of a call and playback the right voice mail announcement

  • [dialplan] fix bug#577, call forwardings to the voicemail box ( on "no answer" and ob "busy" ) now work together with call forking. Fixed determining the default dial timeout for users and huntgroups.

  • [dialplan] fix for provisioning checksync request by-extension (needed for panasonic dect)

  • [dialplan] fixed conditions in datetime callforward module

  • [dialplan] removed callforward condition

  • [dialplan] fix bug #601, wrong hangupcause when offline and forward target is busy

  • [dialplan] fix bug#588, after removing a sip gateway the asterisk-service will reload to remove the gateway from its runtime configuration.

  • [dialplan] Added missing include in huntgroup.lua.

  • [dialplan] Fixed several bugs in call completion:

    • missing default value for parameter CC_TIMEOUT

    • call completion not offered if called party is on DND

    • fixed dialplan loop in modul exttype-callcompletion

    • cc-worker calculates the completion timeout correctly

  • [dialplan] Fixed bug#611: Unanswered queue calls that were forwarded to another target (e.g. a voicemail box) have not been logged as missed queue calls.

  • [dialplan] Bug #608 - Fixed dialplan so that calls to an extension with call forking activated will not be written to the call log multiple times.

  • [dialplan] Added missing group pickup extension that is needed by Aastra phones.

  • [dialplan] removed hardcoded path and replaced with dynamic code

  • [dialplan] Rename dbfuncs:createHints() to createUserHints(), refactor to pass and act/return possibly initialised table

  • [dialplan] Fixed Bug#597: When picking a queue call from a user the originally called user is busy until the picked call ended.

  • [dialplan] Fixed Bug#0000574: After adding a new user the state of this user is "unknown".

  • [dialplan] Fix: If you forward a call to parallel call target then the the channel will be busy if one of the parallel call extensions is busy.

  • [dialplan] fixed problem with returning calls on busy without checking for postdial

  • [dialplan] Fixed typo and null pointer error in clip service.

  • [dialplan] fixed typo in callcompletion which causes bug

  • [dialplan] fix for queue->queue->ivr->ext bug

  • [dialplan] fixed typo in callcompletion which causes bug

  • [dialplan] fix for queue->queue->ivr->ext bug

  • [web-ui] fixed bug in pb-csv-export when impersonating as other user

  • [voicemail] Fixed printing the wrong voicemail box extension in e-mail notifications

  • [livemon] Fix: More javascript fixes for Mozilla Firefox >= 18.0

  • [prov/gigaset] Fix: Don't depend on astbuttond when data synchronisation is neccessary

  • [prov/polycom] Fixed rewrite rules in "/opt/locaphone/htdocs/prov/polycom/.htaccess". Renamed "gemeinschaft" to "locaphone".

Weitere Änderungen

  • [astbuttond] r1410 Fix: led state for call-list buttons did not work.

  • [astbuttond] r1400: Removed support for Samsung phones.

  • [astbuttond] r1399: Improved output for Gigaset DE310/DE410. The astbuttond will no longer send check-sync-events for missed calls for Gigaset phones.

  • [astbuttond] r1393: Support for Gigaset DE phones. Added display-cache to avoid superfluous updates of the display.

  • [astbuttond] r1376: Added queue redirection support for aastra phones.

  • [astbuttond] r1375: Added configurable PBX HTML base path.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Version 4.0.0 beinhaltet folgende Vorab-Versionen:

  • Version 3.90.4 (November 2013)

  • Version 3.90.3 (Oktober 2013)

  • Version 3.90.2 (August 2013)

  • Version 3.90.1 (Juni 2013)



  • LocaPhone 4.0.0, astbuttond 4.0/1410, Asterisk

  • LocaPhone Livemon-Server 4.0.0

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.0, EN 1.2.0, MoH 4.0.0


  • Firmware snom 8.4.32

  • Firmware Gigaset DE700/900: 02.00.08, DE310/410: 02.00.05

  • Firmware Mitel/Astra

  • Firmware Polycom 3.1.2b

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