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Software Release Notes 4.1.0

LocaPhone Version 4.1.0 Feature-Version

Veröffentlicht: April 2014

  • Gigaset IP PRO DECT N720 "multicell system"

  • Gigaset IP PRO - verbesserte Menü-Anzeige am Endgerät

  • Web-Interface - Konfiguration LocaPhone M800 ISDN-/analoge Ports

  • Web-Interface - VoiceMail: verbesserte Wiedergabe im Webbrowser

  • Überarbeitete Autoprovisionierung (Gigaset, Audiocodes)

  • Endgeräte-Unterstützung verbessert

Neue Funktionen

  • [prov/gigaset] Add support for Gigaset N720-DM/IP multicell DECT systems

  • [prov/gigaset] Add Gigaset N720 support to the WebGUI

  • [prov/gigaset] Support for Merkur (cordless/DECT) devices

  • [prov/m800] Autoprovisioning for Audiocodes Mediant 800 MSBGs

  • [web-ui] Simple Web-UI module at Routing/Mediant800 for browser-based M800 configuration

  • [core] New feature: Added primary key to table`dial_log`.

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [conf] bump Gigaset firmware versions

  • [documentation] Add instructions for getting the Mediant 800 MGW autoconfig safely going

  • [dialplan] added utf8 connection string to database connect and example config for /etc/mysql/conf.d to fix utf8-problems with snom-phones

  • [dialplan] Add vmplayer.vmplay* context/extension for direct vm message pl

  • [dialplan] Add vmplayer.vmplay* context/extension for direct vm message playback, provide mailbox sync method in core.user

  • [dialplan] Calls to huntgroups with external targets can now fail (busy/no answer/canceled) without causing a database error.

  • [prov/m800] Database definition for m800-specific configuration items

  • [prov/m800] Configuration variables

  • [prov/m800] Functions and (global/system) commands

  • [prov/m800] Call progress tone binary files

  • [prov/gigaset] Recognize/support N720 devices in gs_prov_phone_checkcfg

  • [prov/gigaset] N720 configuration variables

  • [prov/gigaset] Merkur: Show user-readable call-causes on handsets Update gsdb.lua

  • [prov/gigaset] Updates and support regarding Merkur (DECT) support in scripts and WebGUI files

  • [prov/gigaset] Database structure updates for increased length requirements of the MAC address field to handle Merkur (and other) handset slots

  • [prov/gigaset] Webserver configuration updates/enhancements for Merkur (DECT) support

  • [prov/gigaset] Configuration option changes/updates for Merkur (DECT) support

  • [prov/gigaset] Support/recognise another MAC vendor ID range

  • [prov/gigaset] Mailbox: Implement message playback handling and callback file generation

  • [prov/gigaset] Mailbox: Announce multiple user mailboxes if applicable

  • [prov/gigaset] Enforce entry amount limit on unfiltered CallList read request (should fix crashing on DE310/410 with too huge unread missed calls history)

  • [prov/gigaset] CallLists: Use entrynum of original result instead of afterwards-guessed id for XML entry ids in call lists, operate on full diallog list instead of filtered when deleting entries (fixes single-entry-delete always deleting in missed list)

  • [prov/gigaset] Track entry index upon diallog retrieval

Behobene Fehler

  • [core] Fixed path in /etc/locaphone/asterisk/README.txt

  • [core] Bugfix: rotate logfiles in /var/log/locaphone instead of legacy directory

  • [core] fixed wrong alter table, mantis bug 623

  • [dialplan] Fixed sql error in permissions.lua when calling a nobody user

  • [dialplan] Fixed Bug#751: We are now signaling the proper sip status on hangup.

  • [dialplan] Bugfix: workaround for missing URL-deconding of hash sign in dialplan. Required for dialog-based call forward (*2#).

  • [dialplan] Fix: Inbound routing table will also be used if there is no search/replace string defined for the called number in the gateway group configuration.

  • [dialplan] removed leading slash from sounds directory

  • [dialplan] fix for mantis-bug #615 (call forking and diallog)

  • [dialplan] calldrop fix for mantis-bug #614

  • [dialplan] fix for parallelcall mantis-bug #616

  • [dialplan] fix for situation where gwgroup is empty

  • [dialplan] Fix: The phone system can now determine the proper source of a call and playback the right voice mail announcement.

  • [prov/snom] Fix: Added provisioning option for snom phones so the phone will prefer the provisioning url from the dhcp server.
    Logging in/out a user on a phone will work more certain if the phone can not reach the snom redirection service.



  • LocaPhone 4.1.0, astbuttond 4.0/1410, Asterisk

  • LocaPhone Livemon-Server 4.0.0

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.0, EN 1.2.0, MoH 4.1.0


  • Firmware snom 8.4.32

  • Firmware Gigaset DE700/900: 02.00.10, DE310/410: 02.00.07

  • Firmware Gigaset DECT N720 70.084, N510 42.194

  • Firmware Mitel/Astra

  • Firmware Polycom 3.2.7

  • Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.257.002

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