Software Release Notes 4.2.2
LocaPhone Version 4.2.2 Maintenance-Version
Veröffentlicht: April 2015
Erweiterte Autoprovisionierung (Snom)
Performance-Optimierung und Stabilität
Behobene Fehler
[PHONE-99] - [dialplan] Parallel call with external number does not work on incoming external calls
[PHONE-25] - fixed hold time announcement in queues
Weitere Änderungen
[prov/gigaset] N720: Only announce FW binaries if provided versions are higher than the basestation supplied version
[prov/gigaset] N720: Disable G.722 (wideband) usage
[prov/m800] Add required config options for FW297.003
[dialplan] Bug#0000811 - Fixed forwarding of calls with external origin to a parallel call target that contains an external destination.
Since call completion never work reliable with parallel call targets call completion has been disabled.[prov/snom] Set snom FW versions to (360:
[scripting] Add script to trigger snom3xx factory reset for phones tracked in the phones database table
[prov/snom] quirk: work around fw8.7.5.17 key labeling uglyness
[dialplan] Fixed inbound routing: Disabled entries with inbound routing profile `0` will be ignored.
[fax] Read database credentials from configuration
[prov/gigaset] N720: Recognize user agent strings with appended MAC address as well
[dialplan] Write a missed call to the dial-log when a call is forwarded to the voicemail box.
[dialplan] Fixed potential null pointer error in the LUA dialplan.
[prov/gigaset] Fix i18n setup for cordless devices
[core] Fixed potential syntax error in configuration file
[prov/snom] FIX: Trimmed the idle screen user name to avoid scrolling of the name
[prov/snom] Fixed software version detection from user agent string for snom phones (did not work with firmware 7.3.30).
[prov/snom] Provision callwaiting per-identity for FW 8.7.5+, provision always_show_active_call for proper callwaiting display
[prov/gigaset] N720: Disable conferencing function
[prov/gigaset] Merkur/Einstein: Init i18n so localization will be applied
LocaPhone 4.2.2, astbuttond 4.0/1539, Asterisk
LocaPhone Livemon-Server 4.0.0
LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.0, EN 1.2.0, MoH 4.2.2
Firmware snom (snom 360:
Firmware Gigaset DE700/900: 02.00.10, DE310/410: 02.00.07
Firmware Gigaset DECT N720 70.084, N510 42.194
Firmware Mitel/Astra
Firmware Polycom 3.2.7
Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.257.002