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Software Release Notes 4.2.3

LocaPhone Version 4.2.3 Maintenance-Version

Veröffentlicht: Oktober 2015

  • Erweiterte Autoprovisionierung (Mitel)

  • Performance-Optimierung und Stabilität

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [PHONE-12] - [prov/aastra] Mitel/Aastra - Update auto-provisioning

  • [PHONE-31] - [astbuttond] status action of init script does not work if astbuttond is disabled

  • [PHONE-37] - [dialplan] Call pickup does not work across cluster nodes

Behobene Fehler

  • [PHONE-32] - [astbuttond] astbuttond is being started when disabled

  • [PHONE-33] - [dialplan] call from one cluster node to another does not work

  • [PHONE-36] - [livemon] APE daemon does not start

  • [PHONE-43] - [dialplan] unattended transfer from huntgroup does not follow call forwarding

  • [PHONE-44] - [prov/snom] user_idle_text update does not work properly

  • [PHONE-45] - [dialplan] Queue login function does not consider the location of the queue in cluster mode

  • [PHONE-46] - [core] Recording/replaying audio files does not work across cluster nodes

  • [PHONE-47] - [core] Recorded audiofiles are not distributed to other cluster nodes

Weitere Änderungen

  • [doc] Add sample remote log config file for rsyslogd

  • [prov/mediant800] Configurable syslogging options

  • [prov/aastra] Added support for Aastra/Mitel 6800 family of phones

  • [prov] PHONE-34: Don't force-reboot in cluster environments

  • [core] Add missing title and prefix parameters to the gs_huntgroup_add() call in to-v4-migrate-huntgroups.php, fixes upgrading after a1e6ce6af7556747fae89f2af31e497e766f54b2

  • [dialplan] PHONE-47 -  Fixed distribution of system recordings to cluster nodes

  • [dialplan] PHONE-45 - Fixed considering the cluster location of a queue when trying to log in

  • [dialplan] PHONE-46 - Fixed triggering a call to a phone from a foreign cluster node

  • [dialplan] PHONE-37 - Fixed call pickup across cluster nodes.

  • [core] PHONE-42/43 Fixed unattended transfer from huntgroup users to huntgroups.

  • [prov/snom] Fix snom300 dial screen softkeys after 553cc3847ad5e03a8e7fab585d1e7cb53d1d5a91 for FW>=

  • [provisioning] Fixed trimming the users idle screen name.

  • [dialplan] PHONE-33 - Fixed references to the extension resolver in `from-node` context.

  • [dialplan] Fixed callforward condition `internal`→`no answer` for users

  • [dialplan] Fixed exception if quickdial number does not exist



  • LocaPhone 4.2.3, astbuttond 4.0/1602, Asterisk

  • LocaPhone Livemon-Server 4.0.0

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.0, EN 1.2.0, MoH 4.2.3


  • Firmware snom (snom 360:

  • Firmware Gigaset DE700/900: 02.00.10, DE310/410: 02.00.07

  • Firmware Gigaset DECT N720 70.084, N510 42.194

  • Firmware Mitel/Astra

  • Firmware Polycom 3.2.7

  • Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.257.002

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