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Software Release Notes 4.3.1

LocaPhone Version 4.3.1 Maintenance-Version

Veröffentlicht: Januar 2016

  • System-Funktionen verbessert (dialplan)

  • Endgeräte-Unterstützung verbessert (Snom, Gigaset)

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [PHONE-51] - [dialplan] If an extension is not allowed to dial to a gateway group, "BUSY" is being signalled

Behobene Fehler

  • [PHONE-60] - [core] Segmentation fault of APE service

  • [PHONE-77] - [web-ui] Wrong tab order in Gigaset function key configuration

  • [PHONE-81] - [core] Incorrect SQL statement when creating table 'gates'

  • [PHONE-83] - [web-ui] PDF label for snom 700 and D700 series is wrong

  • [PHONE-84] - [dialplan] Call forward of empty queue does not work

  • [PHONE-87] - [dialplan] Typo in /opt/locaphone/etc/asterisk/extensions.lua line 433

  • [PHONE-89] - [prov/snom] Storing provisioning parameters for snom D765 and D375 not possible

  • [PHONE-90] - [dialplan] Blind transfer of a picked call end up in call drop

  • [PHONE-91] - [dialplan] Wrong hangup state in CDRs

  • [PHONE-101] - [web-ui] CDRs cannot be filtered by call outcome

  • [PHONE-105] - [dialplan] Call forwarding combination of time condition and non-time condition results in busy

Weitere Änderungen

  • [web-ui] PHONE-101 - Fixed CDRs cannot be filtered by call outcome

  • [dialplan] PHONE-105 - Fixed Call forwarding rules with time and non-time conditions

  • [dialplan] PHONE-51 - Fixed dial status for unallocated incomming and outgoing calls

  • [dialplan] PHONE-91 - Fixed channel state for busy calls in CDRs

  • [dialplan] PHONE-84/PHONE-90 - Fix: Call forward of empty queue does not work

  • [prov/snom] PHONE-89 - Fixed storing provisioning parameters for snom D375 and snom D765

  • [web-ui] PHONE-83 - Fixed PDF key labels for snom D765

  • [dialplan] PHONE-87 - Fixed typo in extensions.lua

  • [prov/gigaset] PHONE-28 - Recognise C430(A) GO devices

  • [core] PHONE-81 - Add missing value for gates.autorecord, add proper values to gate_params for the default SIP gateway

  • [web-ui] Add tabindex properties to all input fields in inc_keyprof



  • LocaPhone 4.3.1, astbuttond 4.3.0, Asterisk

  • LocaPhone Livemon-Server 4.0.0

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.0, EN 1.2.0, MoH 4.3.1


  • Firmware snom

  • Firmware Gigaset DE700/900: 02.00.10, DE310/410: 02.00.07

  • Firmware Gigaset DECT N720 70.084, N510 42.194

  • Firmware Mitel/Astra

  • Firmware Polycom 3.2.7

  • Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.257.002

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