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Software Release Notes 5.1.0

LocaPhone Version 5.1.0 Feature-Version

Veröffentlicht: Mai 2018

  • Web-Interface - Verwaltung von Gesprächsaufzeichnungen, Pickup

  • Web-Interface - Optimierungen und Korrekturen

  • Snom D785, Snom D712, Snom D120

  • Erweiterte Autoprovisionierung (Mitel, Snom)

  • Performance-Optimierung und Stabilität

  • Endgeräte-Unterstützung verbessert

Neue Funktionen

  • [PHONE-312] - [dialplan] support for P-Asserted-Identity header on outbound calls

  • [PHONE-343] - [prov/snom] Snom D712 integration

  • [PHONE-376] - [web-ui] management of user recorded calls

  • [PHONE-403] - [prov/snom] Snom D785 integration

  • [PHONE-404] - [prov/snom] Snom D120 integration

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [PHONE-2]   - [livemon] Call pickup in extension monitor application

  • [PHONE-10]  - [prov/mitel] Mitel: change volume via web-ui

  • [PHONE-235] - [dialplan] call completion should work also on extensions with enabled parallel call

  • [PHONE-255] - [prov/mitel] improve default display settings on 6867i/6869i

  • [PHONE-264] - [web-ui] Improve softkey configuration for snom D3xx with D3

  • [PHONE-353] - [prov/mitel] update firmware to V5.0.0

  • [PHONE-459] - [prov/snom] update D3xx/D7xx to Snom firmware

  • [PHONE-463] - [core] do not use product name in backup script

  • [PHONE-472] - [prov/yealink] Move DND softkey to different key

  • [PHONE-474] - [diaplan] feature code for DND

  • [PHONE-475] - [web-ui] customer data lookup for call recording

  • [PHONE-486] - [prov/snom] Prevent "reboot required" message on phone after first start

Behobene Fehler

  • [PHONE-93]  - [dialplan] call forward target for busy is prefered to target "always"

  • [PHONE-140] - [dialplan] No fallback when channel limit is reached

  • [PHONE-201] - [dialplan] forwarding dropped call ends in forced-hangup

  • [PHONE-355] - [prov/mitel] 67xx/68xxi volume settings do not work

  • [PHONE-454] - [prov/mitel] Mitel M685i key configuration does not work

  • [PHONE-482] - [web-ui] no version info on login page

  • [PHONE-483] - [web-ui] DTMF mode cannot be changed from RFC4733

  • [PHONE-484] - [prov/snom] Adding phones does not reload Asterisk chan_sip

  • [PHONE-485] - [prov/snom] Hotdesking using "up" key does not work as long as reboot is required

  • [PHONE-495] - [web-ui] external phonebook shows wrong selected group id

  • [PHONE-496] - [core] Incorrect Apache virtual host configuration

  • [PHONE-498] - [web-ui] non-numerical input is being removed from outbound routing prefix

Weitere Änderungen

  • added missing JSONRPC



  • LocaPhone 5.1.0, astbuttond 5.0.1, Asterisk 13.18.0

  • LocaPhone Livemon-Server 5.1.0

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.1, EN 1.2.1, MoH 5.0.1


  • Firmware snom, snom DECT 03.24.0012

  • Firmware Yealink 83.0.10

  • Firmware Gigaset N720 70.110, N510 42.245

  • Firmware Mitel

  • Firmware Polycom UC 4.0.11, Polycom 3.2.7

  • Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.304.001

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