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Software Release Notes 5.1.2

LocaPhone Version 5.1.2 Maintenance-Version

Veröffentlicht: Juni 2018

  • Web-Interface - Optimierungen und Korrekturen

  • Vermittlungskern - Fehlerbehebungen

  • Endgeräte-Unterstützung verbessert

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [PHONE-487] - [web-ui] confirmation message missing info when deleting provisioning groups

  • [PHONE-507] - [core] improve config parameters for call recording

  • [PHONE-510] - [web-ui] remove character limitation in gateway group page forms

Behobene Fehler

  • [PHONE-318] - [web-ui] Parallel call field in Call Forwards for Queues

  • [PHONE-340] - [web-ui] user call barring cannot be deleted

  • [PHONE-502] - [prov/snom] default firmware version D712 missing

  • [PHONE-503] - [web-ui] incorrect default value for parameter CALL_RECORDING_CDB_ENABLE

  • [PHONE-504] - [dialplan] call-waiting always on on outbound calls

  • [PHONE-512] - [packaging] APE service cannot be started automatically

  • [PHONE-514] - [core] New phones cannot be added after upgrading from version 4.6 or earlier

  • [PHONE-515] - [fax] conversion of PDF documents does not work for mail to fax

  • [PHONE-516] - [dialplan] Setting call forwards using dialplan does not work

  • [PHONE-518] - [web-ui] Call recordings cannot be saved

  • [PHONE-519] - [core] Default SIP gateway and default SIP gateway group are not being created

  • [PHONE-521] - [web-ui] New SIP gateways can not be added



  • LocaPhone 5.1.2, astbuttond 5.0.1, Asterisk 13.18.0

  • LocaPhone Livemon-Server 5.1.2

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.1, EN 1.2.1, MoH 5.1.2


  • Firmware snom, snom DECT 03.24.0012

  • Firmware Yealink 83.0.10

  • Firmware Gigaset N720 70.110, N510 42.245

  • Firmware Mitel 68xxi 5.0.0,

  • Firmware Polycom UC 4.0.11, Polycom 3.2.7

  • Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.304.001

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