Software Release Notes 5.2.2
LocaPhone Version 5.2.2 Maintenance-Version
Veröffentlicht: Februar 2019
Web-Interface - Optimierungen und Korrekturen
Provisioning - Optimierungen und Korrekturen
Vermittlungskern - Fehlerbehebungen
[PHONE-559] - [web-ui] improved 'delete confirmation' dialog presentation
[PHONE-560] - [web-ui] Remove function key "forward to time conditions"
[PHONE-562] - [phone-ui] improve date/clock info on Snom760/D765
[PHONE-608] - [web-ui] set ringtone 'standard' by default for creating queue
[PHONE-623] - [core] corrections to info on 'dial log limit' settings
[PHONE-639] - [web-ui] wrong icon for state 'ringing' in user administration
[PHONE-640] - [web-ui] remove 'dhcp-leases' from GUI
Behobene Fehler
[PHONE-558] - [web-ui] Agent remains logged in after deleting
[PHONE-571] - [conference][web-ui] conference module accepts wrong room numbers
[PHONE-587] - [dialplan] call forwarding returns from IVR/qeues do not work
[PHONE-606] - [web-ui] linked buttons are broken on MS IE browsers
[PHONE-607] - [dialplan] huntgroup call forward on condition 'no answer' fails
[PHONE-626] - [conference] missing confbridge soundfiles
[PHONE-632] - [prov/snom] provisioning for Snom D785 fails
[PHONE-633] - [web-ui] file names containing '+' char cannot be downloaded/deleted
[PHONE-634] - [scripting] gs-backup script aborts sometimes
[PHONE-642] - [packaging] firmware missing for Snom D712
[PHONE-643] - [web-ui] playback of music-on-hold files does not work
[PHONE-654] - [web-ui] user parallel call forwards are being saved as queue parallel call forwards
LocaPhone 5.2.2, astbuttond 5.2.0, Asterisk 13.18.0
LocaPhone Livemon-Server 5.2.2, Livemon 5.2.2, Conference 5.2.2
LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.2, EN 1.2.2, MoH 5.2.2
Firmware snom D3xx/D7xx, D785/D120, C520 1.4.32
Firmware snom DECT 03.24.0012
Firmware Yealink 83.0.10
Firmware Gigaset N720 70.110, N510 42.245
Firmware Mitel 68xxi,
Firmware Polycom UC 4.0.11, Polycom 3.2.7
Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.304.001