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Software Release Notes 5.3.0

LocaPhone Version 5.3.0 Feature-Version

Veröffentlicht: Juni 2019

  • Gigaset N870 Multicell DECT-System - max. 60 DECT RFP/250 Handsets

  • Snom D385, D735, D717

  • Snom neues Branding & Icons1 für Endgeräte mit Farbdisplay

  • Snom Firmware für alle D3xx/D7xx-Geräte

  • Yealink T5xW

  • Yealink T56/T58/CP960 mit Firmware 83

  • Polycom Trio 8500/8800

  • MITEL SIP-DECT Release 7 OMM

  • Profil-Bilder für Benutzer - Anzeige2 bei Vermittlungsvorgängen und im internem Telefonbuch

  • Erweiterte Autoprovisionierung

  • Performance-Optimierung und Stabilität

  • Endgeräte-Unterstützung verbessert

Neue Funktionen

  • [PHONE-494] - [prov/gigaset] Gigaset N870 DECT integration

  • [PHONE-490] - [prov/snom] Snom D385 integration

  • [PHONE-630] - [prov/snom] Snom D735 integration

  • [PHONE-649] - [prov/snom] Snom D717 integration

  • [PHONE-658] - [phone-ui] Snom Firmware 10 new default screen layout/icons

  • [PHONE-488] - [prov/snom] support for icon interface symbols

  • [PHONE-650] - [prov/yealink] Yealink T5xW integration

  • [PHONE-513] - [prov/polycom] Polycom Trio 8500/8800 integration

  • [PHONE-686] - [web-ui] profile picture for users

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [PHONE-406] - [prov/snom] Update to Snom firmware 10.x.x.x

  • [PHONE-698] - [prov/gigaset] new MAC vendor ID for Gigaset

  • [PHONE-646] - [prov/yealink] update CP960/T56/T58 to firmware version 83

  • [PHONE-683] - [prov/mitel] Update to Mitel Firmware*

  • [PHONE-491] - [web-ui] change cookie info to locaphone

  • [PHONE-492] - [web-ui] configuration for voicemail forwarding on wrong page

  • [PHONE-611] - [web-ui] new name for menu item 'Audio files'

  • [PHONE-616] - [web-ui] disable autofill and autocomplete in forms

  • [PHONE-625] - [dialplan][web-ui] multiple regular expressions in gateway groups

  • [PHONE-644] - [web-ui] remove key configuration for Snom C520

  • [PHONE-664] - [web-ui] improve list order for Snom in provisioning parameters

  • [PHONE-678] - [web-ui] Remove artificial restrictions from queue statistics

  • [PHONE-382] - [applications] SnomRC 'auto refresh' checkbox

Behobene Fehler

  • [PHONE-297] - [scripting] queuelog-aggregator does not detect log rotation

  • [PHONE-493] - [prov/yealink] softkey label no refresh for changing agent state

  • [PHONE-511] - [packaging] Gigaset firmware post-installation fails

  • [PHONE-538] - [dialplan] Unattended transfer fails to any extension type except type 'user'

  • [PHONE-544] - [web-ui] Wrong softkey configuration for Snom D3 extension on D3xx phones

  • [PHONE-545] - [core] Voicemail box files are not being deleted when user is being deleted

  • [PHONE-553] - [dialplan] Unattended transfer of two external calls fails

  • [PHONE-556] - [dialplan] Queue call forwarding to VM/announcement does not work

  • [PHONE-564] - [prov/snom] Snom D785 FW 10 provisioning certificate verification warning

  • [PHONE-657] - [web-ui] Snom D785 key configuration info

  • [PHONE-663] - [web-ui] Snom D785 missing on parameter profiles

  • [PHONE-665] - [prov/snom] 'resync phone' button boots Snom D785

  • [PHONE-680] - [web-ui] 'CLIR/CLIP to internal' shows caller name

  • [PHONE-684] - [dialplan] queue forwarding does not work

  • [PHONE-685] - [web-ui] Users can not be deleted if ldap authorisation is activated

  • [PHONE-687] - [scripting] CDRs are not being deleted

  • [PHONE-688] - [core] Incorrect naming of configuration parameter

  • [PHONE-689] - [web-ui] wrong confirmation text when trying to delete gateway group

  • [PHONE-691] - [conference] calling conferences from external not working

  • [PHONE-701] - [provisioning] Missing calls in dial log


  • [PHONE-356] - Mitel DECT SIP Release 7.0



  • LocaPhone 5.3.0, astbuttond 5.3.0, Asterisk 13.18.0

  • LocaPhone Livemon-Server 5.2.0, Livemon 5.3.0, Conference 5.3.0

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.1, EN 1.2.1, MoH 5.3.0


  • Firmware snom D3xx/D7xx/D120, C520 1.4.32

  • Firmware snom 3xx (360:, 7xx/8xx

  • Firmware snom DECT 03.24.0012

  • Firmware Yealink 83.0.10 (CP920: 81.0.15)

  • Firmware Gigaset N870 2.17.2, N720 70.110, N510 42.245

  • Firmware Mitel 68xxi,

  • Firmware Polycom UC 4.0.11, Polycom 3.2.7

  • Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.304.001


1 Snom Icon Interface -
2 an unterstützen Endgeräten.
3 Mitel-Firmware in Version 5.3.1 korrigiert auf Stand

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