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Software Release Notes 5.4.1

LocaPhone Version 5.4.1 Maintenance-Version

Veröffentlicht: Januar 2020

  • Firmware-Aktualisierung Snom FW8/FW10 alle Modelle, Gigaset N870 DECT

  • Erweiterte Autoprovisionierung

  • Performance-Optimierung und Stabilität

  • Endgeräte-Unterstützung verbessert

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [PHONE-745] - [prov/snom] update legacy 3xx/7xx/8xx to latest Snom firmware

  • [PHONE-752] - [prov/snom] update D3xx/D7xx to Snom firmware

  • [PHONE-754] - [prov/gigaset] N870/N670 limit number of systems handset registration

  • [PHONE-772] - [prov/yealink] add icon notification for call forwards

  • [PHONE-781] - [prov/gigaset] N870/N670 enable directory lookup for caller lists

  • [PHONE-797] - [web-ui] improve layout for softkey configuration on Snom D345/D385

  • [PHONE-805] - [packaging] N870/N670 update firmware to 2.23.0

  • [PHONE-807] - [prov/gigaset] N870/N670 new user agent in FW 2.23.0

Behobene Fehler

  • [PHONE-638] - [packaging] wrong version info/filename for gigaset firmware package

  • [PHONE-660] - [dialplan] no huntgroup forward to external targets

  • [PHONE-691] - [conference] calling conferences from external not working

  • [PHONE-714] - [prov/yealink] pickup function not working

  • [PHONE-735] - [prov/snom] no avatar image when calling from non-Snom device

  • [PHONE-755] - [prov/snom] snom 3xx wrong label texts in XML menus

  • [PHONE-758] - [web-ui] help page shows wrong feature code for paging service/intercom

  • [PHONE-762] - [web-ui] errors occurs when deleting user without avatar

  • [PHONE-763] - [prov/snom][phone-ui] FW 10 no information on active call forwards on idle screen

  • [PHONE-765] - [prov/snom] softkey for alarm does not work

  • [PHONE-766] - [prov/snom] state_settings.xml not being provisioned successfully

  • [PHONE-768] - [phone-ui/snom] set default value for wakeup time menu

  • [PHONE-771] - [prov/yealink] wrong categorization for setting parameters

  • [PHONE-776] - [prov/yealink] T5x key 'beenden' not working in call list/phonebook

  • [PHONE-777] - [prov/yealink] T5x feature key 'redial' uses server-based caller lists

  • [PHONE-778] - [dialplan] Paging does not work if matching external route exists

  • [PHONE-780] - [prov/gigaset] N870 handsets unable to dial from external phonebook

  • [PHONE-782] - [dialplan] call forwarding rules do not work with year dates

  • [PHONE-786] - [prov/snom][phone-ui] FW10 wrong display key labels

  • [PHONE-791] - [prov/snom] FW10 enabling http user/pass blocks phonebook/caller lists

  • [PHONE-794] - [prov/snom] parallel call fails when endpoint uses snom firmware 10

  • [PHONE-826] - [prov/snom] call forwards does not work for unset forwarding rules

  • [PHONE-836] - [web-ui] Download of call recordings not working



  • LocaPhone 5.4.1, astbuttond 5.4.1, Asterisk 13.28.0

  • LocaPhone Livemon-Server 5.2.0, Livemon 5.4.1, Conference 5.4.1

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.1, EN 1.2.1, MoH 5.4.1


  • Firmware snom D3xx/D7xx/D120, C520 1.4.32

  • Firmware snom 3xx/MP (360:, 7xx/8xx

  • Firmware snom DECT 03.24.0012

  • Firmware Yealink 83.0.10 (CP920: 81.0.15)

  • Firmware Gigaset N870/N670 2.23.0, N720 70.113, N510 42.250

  • Firmware Mitel 68xxi,

  • Firmware Polycom UC 4.0.11, Polycom 3.2.7

  • Firmware Audiocodes M800 F6.60A.304.001

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