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Software Release Notes 5.6.0

LocaPhone Version 5.6.0 Major-Release/Feature-Version

Veröffentlichung: Juni 2023

  • Neue Version Vermittlungskern Asterisk 18 LTS

  • Neues Betriebssystem Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

  • Telekom CompanyFlex in Fremdnetzen (Encryption)

  • Blacklisting für ankommende Anrufe

  • LocaPhone-Branding aktualisiert

  • Erweiterte Autoprovisionierung (Snom, Gigaset)

  • Performance-Optimierung und Stabilität

  • Endgeräte-Unterstützung verbessert

LocaPhone M800 VoIP TK-System: LocaPhone 5.6.0 nicht mehr verfügbar! LocaPhone 5.5.2 ist der letzte Software-Versionsstand für M800-Systeme!

Neue Funktionen

  • [PHONE-808] - [dialplan][web-ui] global routing blacklist for incoming calls

  • [PHONE-989] - [core] Support for Deutsche Telekom CompanyFlex SIP trunk

  • [PHONE-990] - [core] Upgrade to Asterisk 18 LTS

  • [PHONE-1001] - [web-ui][pami] add new API PHP Asterisk Manager Interface (PAMI)

  • [PHONE-1036] - [system software][core] system software change to Ubuntu Focal 20.04

Verbesserte Funktionalitäten

  • [PHONE-674] - [web-ui] Make "ringinuse" configurable for queues and members

  • [PHONE-676] - [dialplan][phone-ui][web-ui] make prefix configurable for queue calls

  • [PHONE-696] - [web-ui] use icon set for livemon (APE)

  • [PHONE-886] - [web-ui][prov/snom] updated LocaPhone branding

  • [PHONE-955] - [prov/gigaset][packaging] N870/N670 update firmware to 2.53.0

  • [PHONE-960] - [web-ui] change info text for user import via csv file

  • [PHONE-975] - [scripting] improve script 'gs-ldap-phonebook-import'

  • [PHONE-982] - [dialplan] add support for P-Called-Party-ID header

  • [PHONE-984] -[web-ui] Gigaset softkeys available when deactivated in configuration

  • [PHONE-985] - [web-ui] expand parameter textfield for gateways

  • [PHONE-995] - [web-ui] unify delete dialog and filter logic on provisioning page

  • [PHONE-1018] - [dialplan] do not log calls as 'missed' when answered elsewhere

  • [PHONE-1031] - [prov/snom] Snom D713 integration

  • [PHONE-1043] - [core][web-ui] upgrade FPDF module to version 1.84

  • [PHONE-1044] - [core][web-ui] upgrade PHPmailer module to version 6.6.4

Behobene Fehler

  • [PHONE-792] - [prov/snom] FW10 no function key icons on devices

  • [PHONE-959] - [web-ui][prov/snom] snom D3 cannot be preconfigured

  • [PHONE-961] - [database] data too long for column 'remote_name'

  • [PHONE-962] - [web-ui] filters do not work on 'active calls page'

  • [PHONE-976] - [web-ui] call forwards page broken when using too many digits

  • [PHONE-977] - [web-ui] no status messages for lost password recovery

  • [PHONE-980] - [prov/yealink] yealink device ID detection does not work correctly

  • [PHONE-987] - [database] user 'supervisor' default SIP password strength increased

  • [PHONE-992] - [core] corrections to user provisioning to Aastra/Mitel phones

  • [PHONE-993] - [prov/gigaset] N670 new user agent in FW 2.36.0

  • [PHONE-1007] - [core] agent pause not working after agent login (Asterisk 18)

  • [PHONE-1008] - [pami] unable to add handsets (Asterisk 18)

  • [PHONE-1038] - [core] replace deprecated functions in php 7.4

  • [PHONE-1040] - [core] incorrect Apache virtual host configuration

  • [PHONE-1041] - [astbuttond][system software][database] astbuttond does not start

  • [PHONE-1051] - [web-ui] page provisioning/firmware does not show MITEL firmware

  • [PHONE-1055] - [prov/mitel] deactivating callforwards via softkey disables user rules

  • [PHONE-1056] - [prov/gigaset] Maxwell 3/basic - DND does not work

  • [PHONE-1080] - [api/json-rpc] sql errors when using some api calls

  • [PHONE-1085] - [database] wrong filename for database upgrade file



  • LocaPhone 5.6.0, astbuttond 5.6.0, Asterisk 18.10.1 LTS

  • LocapPhone Livemon-Server 5.2.0, Livemon 5.6.0, Conference 5.6.0

  • LocaPhone Audiodateien DE 1.2.2, EN 1.2.2, MoH 5.6.0


  • Firmware Snom D3xx/D7xx (D765/D375/D305, D745, D120

  • Firmware Snom 3xx/MP (360:, 7xx, 8xx, PA1, C520 1.4.32

  • Firmware Snom DECT 03.24.0012

  • Firmware Yealink T40G/T4xS/T5xS/T5xW/T56A/T58/CP9xx 84.0.x, T41P/T4xG 83.0.x

  • Firmware Gigaset N870/N670 2.53.0, N720 70.117, N510 42.263

  • Firmware Mitel 68xxi,

  • Firmware Polycom Trio 8x00 5.9.0AB, Polycom UC 4.0.11, Polycom 3.2.7

System Software

  • Server-Betriebssystem Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (S500, HW, VMware ESX 6.7, 7.0, 7.2)

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